It's my 5th month in Australia.
I saw a sentence from a Japanese drama recently which said"The probability of meeting each other in the world is about 1/18000000000."
After thinking deeply, it's really amazing.
For instance, I'm from Taichung and I do meet some Taichung people here. But we won't meet each other even we used to live in the same city and passed by each other in the corner until we come to Australia, not to mention the people in different countries such as Hong Kong, New Zealand, Korea, and Vietnam.
In other words, we can't imagine that people who just pass by now will be our friends in the future.
Perhaps the one who only lives nearby you will become your friends someday, or you won't meet each other even you live so close.
Just because I come to Australia, we meet, become partners and friends.
It doesn't matter about how long we meet, the most important thing is the days we spent together is unforgettable.
It's my 5th month in Australia. It's also the month that a lot of friends leaving me.
I know I should get used to it but I just can't.
Because we are friends.
But don't worry and I will be fine.
Because we are friends.
All the things I want to say is that I truly appreciate we can meet each other in this journey.
In the probability of 1/18000000000.
Keep going and flying:)))